Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sweet P Turns Blogger!

Welcome to my 1st 'Sweet P' blog entry, I am excited to see how this journey will unfold! As I enter the blogging world, my thoughts are to develop an avenue where professional chocolatiers and chocolate lovers can come together to network and share creative ideas. The purpose of this blog is to help you and me enjoy the chocolates we already love even more, and maybe share in some new favourites. This will enable us to explore the best ways to experience chocolate, whether you prefer to pair it with a fine wine, coffee, cold milk, or just straight up!

So far, my chocolate journey has taught me it is not only about finding the chocolates you like, but why they taste the way they do. The goal is to fine-tune your tasting skills to determine what exactly you like about certain chocolates. Knowing what you like will help you become an educated buyer. The simple fact is: the best chocolates in the world are the ones you like the best!

My two words to share with you are... Savour & Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Pam,

    It's great to see you blogging!

    Blogger and Chocolate Fan,

